Geneviève Minville is a PhD student in Human Geography at York University in Toronto. She holds a Master's degree in International Development and Globalization, a Certificate in International Cooperation and a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. She also holds a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Her research projects focus on forced migration, particularly in the context of climate and environmental change, and on disasters. She is interested in structural and systemic issues related to social and climatic injustice, including the consequences for the health and well-being of populations. She is also interested…
Pierre Morcos is a visiting fellow in the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC. His research focuses on European security, transatlantic relations and French defence policy. A career diplomat with the French Foreign Service, he most recently served as deputy head of the Strategic Affairs and Cybersecurity Division, focusing on NATO and European defense issues. A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and the École Nationale d'Administration, Pierre Morcos also studied for a year in the United States at George Washington University in Washington, DC.
David Morin is Associate Professor at the School of Applied Politics of the University of Sherbrooke. His expertise and professional experience address national and international security. He co-founded the Observatory on Radicalization and Violent Extremism (OSR), a centre bringing together researchers and experts to observe, document, understand and analyze the phenomena of radicalization and violent extremism. Since 2018, he is an expert member of the Working Group for the establishment of the Réseau francophone de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violents (Francoprev) of the International Organisation of La Francophonie. His research projects focus on international and national security,…
Yannick Morrisson is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at Université Laval in Quebec City under the supervision of Jonathan Paquin. He holds a Master's degree in War Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada. His research focuses on the relations between the great powers and Africa. He is also interested in defence and security issues between these two entities, as well as in intelligence.
Gauthier Mouton is a professor-researcher at the Institut d'études politiques de Lyon, where he is the director of the East Asian Studies degree (DEMEOC). He is also responsible for international mobility programs between SciencesPo Lyon and universities in Taiwan. As an expert who holds a PhD in Political Science (UQAM) and a Master’s degree in International Relations (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Gauthier Mouton specializes in China’s domestic and foreign policy, energy transition processes, as well as natural and strategic resource management issues, particularly in East and Southeast Asia. His doctoral research – which offers a unique perspective on/a novel analysis of…
Justine Mulin is currently a second year student in the International Security and Defense Master's program at the University Jean Moulin Lyon III. She holds a bi-disciplinary degree combining history and political science from the Institut Catholique de Paris and a university degree in Arabic language and culture from the Université Jean Moulin Lyon III. Interested in human security issues, she is currently working on her thesis directed by Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé on local appropriation of peacebuilding strategies.
Marco Munier is a doctoral student in political science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). Before arriving in Canada and joining the University of Quebec in Montreal, he worked in the French Ministry of the Interior in the National Police from 2010 to 2015. His research focuses on Intelligence Studies, in particular on the identification of a national intelligence culture in Canada and on the evolution of the intelligence devices of Canada, Italy and Australia since September 11, 2001, as well as on multinational military interventions and western defense policies.
Josaphat Musamba, a Congolese researcher, is a Ph.D. student at Ghent University. He is affiliated with the Group for Studies on Conflicts and Human Security (GECSH), a research unit of CERUKI-ISP/Bukavu, and also with ISDR/Mbandaka. With previous experience as a staff member in several NGOs, Josaphat Musamba has worked as a research, monitoring, and evaluation consultant at Benevolencija RDC. He has also served as a liaison officer in the security and safety department of Handicap International and as a Congolese staff member in the United Nations Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2016-2017 mandate). Josaphat Musamba…
Costanza Musu is Associate Professor of Public and International Affairs at University of Ottawa. She was a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and Assistant Professor of International Relations at Richmond University (London-UK). She has been a consultant for the Military Center for Strategic Studies – Center for Advanced Defense Studies (CeMiSS-CASD), the think tank of the Italian Ministry of Defence. Her current research, supported by a SSHRC Insight Grant, focuses on the fight against the illicit trafficking of antiquities looted from conflict areas in the Middle East. She is the author of European Union…
2023-2024 Harvard Weatherhead Foreign Policy Fellow, Thematic Expert, Academic Researcher. Canadian public servant. Previously Senior Advisor in Climate Security working on NATO Centre of Excellence on Climate Security (Global Affairs Canada) and Senior Advisor Climate Security CGIAR Climate Security. PhD Candidate (Utrecht U.) Adjunct Professor. 25 years of public administration and international experience covering the UN, NATO, World Bank, Canadian diplomacy, and private sector ventures. Diego has worked globally on diplomatic/political and economic matters, climate change-conflict/adaptation policy, as well as institutional/social reconstruction, civil-military coordination, and humanitarian issues. He has deployed to Afghanistan, Colombia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Indonesia (Banda…