
Falk Ostermann

Falk Ostermann

Falk Ostermann is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. His research interests are French security and defence policies, identity, NATO, European defense, and the party politics of foreign policy. He has published, inter alia, in European Political Science Review, West European Politics, European Security, and International Relations. He is the author of Security, Defense Discourse and Identity in NATO and Europe. How France Changed Foreign Policy (Routledge, 2019).  

Pierre Pahlavi

Pierre Pahlavi is Full Professor, Chair of the Department of Security and International Affairs and Deputy Director in the Department of Defence Studies of the Canadian Forces College in Toronto. Dr Pahlavi’s recent publications discuss his main areas of expertise, which are influence strategies, Iran’s foreign policy. and hybrid strategies. He has authored several studies on the theme of public diplomacy and strategic communications (The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, The Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Routledge, Presses Universitaires de Science Po Paris). His publications also address the issue of asymmetric warfare, gray zone strategies and hybrid threats (L’Harmattan, La Revue militaire…
Zach Paikin

Zachary Paikin

Dr. Zachary Paikin is a Researcher in EU Foreign Policy at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels (CEPS). He is also a Nonresident Research Fellow at the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy in Toronto and Senior Visiting Fellow at the Global Policy Institute in London, UK. He additionally holds expert affiliations with the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations and with the Canada-Russia Research Initiative (CRRI) based at the University of Victoria. Paikin is also a member of the Cooperative Security Initiative, a project supported by the OSCE that works toward enhancing support for international cooperation in the…

Alice Pannier

Alice Pannier is Assistant Professor in the School of Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins University. She is a an Associate Research Fellow at the Security Studies Center of the French Institute of International Relations, IFRI. Alice Pannier is an expert on European security. Her research interests cover security and defense cooperation in Europe, transatlantic relations, and contemporary military interventions, with a particular focus on the defense policies of France, the UK and Germany. Her work has appeared, inter alia, in International Affairs, the Journal of Strategic Studies, European Security, and Global Affairs. She is the author of Rivals in…

Jonathan Paquin

Co-director | Great Powers
Jonathan Paquin is professor of Political Science at Université Laval. He has written numerous articles on foreign policy and international relations in Cooperation and Conflict, Foreign Policy Analysis, Mediterranean Politics, the Canadian Journal of Political Science and International Journal, among others. He is also the co-editor of America’s Allies and the Decline of US Hegemony, Routledge, 2020; the coauthor of Foreign Policy Analysis: A Toolbox, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; the co-editor of Game Changer: The Impact of 9/11 on North American Security, UBC Press, 2014; and the author of A Stability-Seeking Power: US Foreign Policy and Secessionist Conflicts, McGill-Queen’s, 2010. He received a Ph.D. in Political Science from McGill University and was…
Cleo Paskal

Cleo Paskal

Cleo Paskal is a non-resident senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (Washington D.C.), focusing on the Indo-Pacific region. Cleo works with academia, government, the defense community and others in order to better understand, explain, anticipate and resolve today’s complex challenges. She is particularly interested in the strategic implications of the intersection of geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geophysical change. Cleo Paskal's affiliations include: Visiting Fellow, Centre d'études et de recherches internationales de l'Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM); Senior Fellow, Usanas Foundation (India); International Board of Advisors, Global Counter Terrorism Council (India). She has lectured or briefed at a wide range…

Alexandre Pelletier

Alexandre Pelletier is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Université Laval. Dr. in Political Science from the University of Toronto, his work focuses on civil wars and political violence, with a particular interest in Southeast Asia, where he has been conducting research since 2012. He is currently a fellow at the Mansfield-Luce Asia Scholars Network, co-director of the CERIUM Human Rights Observatory, and an affiliate researcher at the Postcor Lab at the University of Toronto. His research on Indonesia and Myanmar has been published in various journals, such as Comparative Politics, Asian Policy & Politics, Asian…

​​Victoria Perak

Student Collaborators
​​Victoria Perak is a fourth-year undergraduate student at Bishop’s University pursuing an Honours in Political Studies, Major in International Studies with a minor in North American Studies. She chaired the Board of Student Representatives and was a Senator on the Bishop’s University Senate. She was a Head Delegate for the Model United Nations Practicum, under the supervision of  Prof. Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé, where she aided students in their understanding of United Nations Rules of Procedures. She is currently working on a research project on the topic of gender issues in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Léa Pérémarty

Emerging Scholar
Léa Pérémarty graduated from the University of Western Brittany in Brest (France) with a Bachelor of Law degree with honours. She was an exchange student in England at the University of Nottingham, where she developed her interest in public international law and the use of force. Today, Léa Pérémarty is a Master's candidate in international law and politics at the Université de Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). She specializes in international security issues and the law of armed conflict. She is currently doing an internship at the Network for Strategic Analysis.

Nicolas-François Perron

Emerging Scholar
Nicolas-François Perron is a doctoral student at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). He is interested in decision-making in the context of foreign and security policies. His research focuses on issues related to norms, beliefs, and practices in international security. His thesis project examines the constraints on the emergence of strategic counter-cultures through an analysis of cases in Canada, Italy, and Germany. He holds a master's degree in international relations from Université Laval and an additional dual-degree master's in international law and transatlantic relations from the University of Bordeaux. His professional experiences have led him to work on nuclear…