Closed Seminar : 9h-12h
Exchanges between young researchers and practitioners from the world of diplomacy and defence.
- Morning seminar venue : 3744 rue Jean-Brillant, Montréal – Local 6420 (6th floor)
- Seminar registration (free and mandatory)
Click Here to Register for the Closed Seminar
9h-10h15 – Seminar 1 : Rethinking Youth and Multilateralism: State of the Field and Methodological Tools
10h15-10h45 : Coffee Break
10h45-12h – Seminar 2: Strategic Competition Revisited: the State of Research and Methodological Reflections
12h: Lunch Break
Colloquium : Canadian Diplomacy in a Turbulent International System – 13h-18h
No Registration Required
- Location : HEC Montréal – Édifice Côte-Sainte-Catherine. 3000 Chem. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC H3T 2A7
13h00: Opening Remarks
- Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé, Co-Director, Network for Strategic Analysis and Professor, Department of Politics and International Studies, Bishop’s University
13h10 : Introduction
13h30-14h50 – Panel 1: The Imprint of Canadian Values in Global Diplomacy
Moderator: Frédéric Mérand, Professeur et directeur du département de science politique à l’Université de Montréal
- Henri-Paul Normandin, Fellow at Institut d’Études Internationales de Montréal
- Renée Larivière, Senior Director of Programmes at Interpeace
- Cat Evans, Director of European and African Affairs at Independent Diplomat
14h50-15h00: Coffee Break
15h00-16h20 – Panel 2 : Respect For International Law and Responsibility to Protect in the Face of Contemporary Conflicts
Moderator: Nicolas Klingelschmitt, Chercheur émergent – Réseau d’Analyse Stratégique
- Jennifer Welsh, professeure en relations internationales à McGill, directrice de la Maxswell Bell school of public policy
- Marie-Joëlle Zahar, professeure en science politique, et directrice du Réseau de recherche sur les Opérations de Paix (ROP) – Université de Montréal
- Graeme Simpson, Principal Representative & Senior Peacebuilding Advisor, Interpeace USA; Adjunct Lecturer in Law, Columbia University School of Law
16h20-16h30: Coffee Break
16h30-17h50 – Panel 3 : Emerging Practices and New International Priorities: (Dis)information, the Importance of Youth, Competition, and Diplomatic Sabotage
Moderator: Andrew Abou Mourad, Cofondateur de United Nations Youth of Canada
- Lieutenant-Colonel Carl Chevalier, Commandant du Centre de formation pour le soutien de la paix (PSTC)
- Michael Eaton, Executive Director of the National Model United Nations
- Daniel Jean, professionnel en résidence à l’École d’affaires publiques et internationales de l’Université d’Ottawa, membre émérite de l’École de la fonction publique du Canada, membre associé de l’Observatoire des conflits multidimensionnels de la Chaire Raoul-Dandurand à l’UQAM et membre du Conseil stratégique du Réseau d’Analyse Stratégique
- Natascha Hryckow, Associate Fellow within the Global Fellowship Initiative of the GCSP and Former Coordinator, United Nations Panel of Experts on Somalia
- Ali Altiok, Former Youth, Peace and Security Project Officer at Interpeace
Event Organizers

Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brulé, Professor, Bishop’s University

Nicolas Klingelschmitt, PhD candidate – Université du Québec à Montréal

Andrew Abou Mourad, Cofounder United Nations Youth of Canada (UNYC)
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