Benjamin Toubol is a doctoral student in the Department of Political Science at Université Laval. His thesis focuses on the fragmentation and hybrid governance of armed groups in political competition in Northern Iraq. More specifically, his research focuses on the influence of non-state groups in Iraqi Kurdistan and their legitimacy in delegating violence to the population. Holder of a master’s degree from the Institut Français de Géopolitique, he conducted several research fields in Iraq between 2017 and 2023. With a degree in literary Arabic studies, he has lived in Tunisia and several Middle Eastern countries. He has also worked for NGOs including Journalists for Human Rights. He is a member of the Romeo Dallaire Teaching Leadership Chair on Civil Conflict and Sustainable Peace (ULaval) and is associated with the PostCor Lab (UToronto).
- Dynamics and analysis of non-state actor networks
- Security and state-building in the Middle East
- Dynamics of armed group formation within ethnic minorities
Selected Publications
Toubol B. (2024), ‘Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe a week from now’: Deterrence and limited war between Israel and Hezbollah,’ Hot Takes, Network for Strategic Analysis,
Toubol B. (2025) ‘Boules de neige et terrain de guerre en Irak : Un retour méthodologique de terrain post-conflit’, dans ‘Méthodologies de recherche en terrain difficile’, dirigé par Alexandre Pelletier, Presses de l’Université du Québec (en édition)
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