Dr. Emilie El Khoury is a postdoctoral fellow at Queen’s University’s Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP). On the strength of her field experience in Lebanon, Belgium and Canada concerning terrorism and Muslim populations, she will develop research, within the CIDP, on the impacts of counterinsurgency and counterterrorism efforts, including their strategies and repercussions, on local communities. Her focus will be particularly on the experiences of women in the context of NATO operations. In recent years, she has lectured in French and English on topics such as religion, war, the Middle East and Maghreb, refugees, cultural diversity, and gender, among others. Her courses have been given at various Canadian universities, including the University Laval, the University of Alberta, and the University of Lethbridge. Dr. El Khoury also holds the position of Senior Fellow at the Canadian Institute for Far-Right Studies (CIFRS).
- Middle East
- Terrorism
- Security
Selected Publications
- El Khoury E. (2024)- Book on my thesis in collaboration with the University of Leiden (in progress).
- El Khoury E. (2023), « Un point Godwin Islamique? Expériences des femmes Bruxelloises de confession musulmane» : 125-150 in Corps in/visibles: genre, religion et politique (dir.) Florence Pasche-Guignard and Catherine Larouche. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, Collection “Religion et politique”.
- El Khoury E. (2022), Lutte armée ou radicalisation violente? Expériences subjectives et perspectives de femmes bruxelloises, beyrouthines et montréalaises de confession musulmane. Doctorat, Département d’Anthropologie, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
- El Khoury E. (2021), « L’islam et la cité. Engagements musulmans dans les quartiers populaires – TALPIN J., O’MIEL J., FRÉGOSI F., (dir.) (2017) » Émulations- Revue de sciences sociales.
- El Khoury E. (2021), « Ethnographier des femmes musulmanes face à la radicalisation violente au nom de l’islam : Retour sur un parcours de recherche doctorale », Anthropo(b)logue, Université Laval.
- El Khoury E. (2020), « La mort aux frontières de l’Europe : identifier, commémorer -C. Kobelinsky, 2017 », Émulations- Revue de sciences sociales.
- El Khoury E. (2020), « Engagements corporels de femmes musulmanes », L’ethnographie, 3-4.
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