Falk Petegou is a post-doctoral fellow at the Chair in International Francophonie Research on Political Aspirations and Movements in Francophone Africa at the University of Ottawa. He was a lecturer at the Université Protestante d’Afrique Centrale, where he taught the following courses, among others: Conflict theory and typology, Peace building approaches, Identities and conflicts in Africa, Conflict resolution practice. He has also provided consultancy services to a number of institutions, including UNICEF, the Service Civil pour la Paix and was a visiting researcher at the Frankfurt Institute for Peace Research in Germany (HSFK) between 2014 and 2015. His work focuses on re-reading theoretical and empirical models, policies and narratives mobilized in international relations to define or give meaning to peace and armed conflict.
- Conflict analysis, theories and typology
- Sub-state armed groups in French-speaking Africa
- Models, consolidation and perceptions of peace
Selected Publications
- Petegou, Falk et Ruben Birou( eds) : Recherche-action en Afrique : quelques cas d’étude au Cameroun, en République Démocratique du Congo et au Rwanda, African Journal of Peace Communication and Development, no 4, mars 2023
- Petegou, Falk : COVID-19 et changement de paradigme dans la Résolution des Conflits , African Journal of Peace Communication and Development, no 4, mars 2023
- Petegou, Falk : Logiques et mécanismes de la permanence des conflits ethniques dans le Sud-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo : analyse et Calcul de l’horreur comme solution pour la construction de la paix. Berlin, Galda Verlag, 2018, 411p.
- Petegou, Falk : Boko-Haram et la critique du modèle de sécurité classique au Cameroun ; Problématique de l’émergence sociale des jeunes en captivité , acte du Colloque Chaire UNESCO du Développement Durable (Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Lomé 9-10 juin 2022,), Paris, 2023
- Petegou, Falk : L’indice de l’Horreur in revue TRANS, autriche, 2017
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