In the 55th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve talk about Afghanistan hot-takes and consultations with CAF/DND on sexual misconduct reporting. Today’s feature interview guest is with one of…
In the 54th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve talk about family vacations and regulations across the US border, planning a return to classes and the evolving situation in…
In the 53rd episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve talk about a recent Defence SMRC Roundtable, cyber attacks and Great Power Politics. Today’s feature interview guest is Canadian Forces…
In the 52nd episode of Battle Rhythm, our guest host and Co-director, Erin Gibbs Van Brunschot and Steve talk about the new Canadian Network on Information and Security (CANIS) at…
In the 51st episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve talk about the terrorist attack in London, Ontario, the NATO Summit, and Lt. Gen Rouleau’s decision to play golf with…
In the 50th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve talk about the discovery of the Kamloops Residential School burial site, latest revelations and reviews regarding sexual misconduct in the…
In the 49th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve reflect on today’s Feature Interview with guests Deputy Minister of the Department of National Defence, Jody Thomas and Acting Chief…
In the 48th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve talk about the external review into sexual misconduct in the military, the new Chief of Professional Conduct and Culture and…
In the 47th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve talk about the House Committee meetings on sexual misconduct in the CAF, Russia’s military build-up on its border with Ukraine,…