The Prevalence and Degree of Infiltration of Russian Disinformation on the Russian-Ukrainian War in the Western Information Space

Laurent Borzillo, Stéphane Roussel

*This event will take place in French only

9:15 am   Opening Remarks and Presentation of Research and Data for the NATO Dyad Countries Surveyed

  • Research team lead by Laurent Borzillo, Ph.D.
  • Pr. Stéphane Roussel (ENAP)

9:30 am  Narratives Related to the Russian-Ukrainian War in Democratic Societies: Content and Arguments Used / Comparison with Other Themes

Moderator : Professeure Magdalena Dembińska (Université de Montréal) ; POL-CAN *tbc*

  • Pr. Florian Töpfl (Université de Passau)
  • Pr. Justin Massie (UQAM)
  • Marco Munier (UQAM)
  • Balthazar Stengelin (McGill)
  • Susanne Aschi-Glesius, consule générale d’Allemagne Megan Minnion (OTAN) *tbc*

11:00 am  Coffee Break

11:30 am  Vectors of Pro-Russian Discourse in the West / The Receptiveness of Democratic Societies to Russian Narratives and Fake News

Moderator : Zachary Lemyre (Université de Montréal)

  • Anthony Seaboyer, directeur du Centre for Security, Armed Forces and Society (CSAFS; RMC) Nicolas-François Perron (UQAM)
  • Maud Quessard, directrice du domaine Espace Euratlantique (IRSEM)
  • Pr. Anatoliy Gruzd (Toronto Metropolitan University)
  • Aurélie Bonal, cheffe de la délégation européenne au Canada *tbc*
  • Julie Renaud (UQAM) *tbc*

1:00 pm  Lunch

2:00 pm  Possible Measures and Actions to Counter the Proliferation of pro-Russian Narratives, of Both Russian and non-Russian Origin

Moderator: Mathieu Gariepy, (Université Laval) *tbc*

  • Pr. Nicole Jackson (Université Simon Fraser)
  • Khrystyna Holynska, Ph.D. (RAND)
  • Pr. David Morin (Université de Sherbrooke
  • Oana Goga, Ph.D (INRIA)
  • Franziska B. Keller, Ph.D. (University of Bern)
  • Pr. Reihaneh Rabbany (McGill) *tbc*

3:30pm  Closing Remarks

  • Laurent Borzillo, Ph.D (ENAP)


Monday, March 31, 2025


09:15 - 15:40

Location Mixed Attendance Mode

Inscription en ligne (Zoom)
Université de Montréal
3744 Rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal QC, CA
Inscription (en présentiel)


Laurent Borzillo

Emerging scholar

Stéphane Roussel


Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces / Le Ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes