Is War Over Taiwan Coming?

Justin Massie, Maxandre Fortier

Sponsored by Canada’s Department of National Defence, this symposium brings together experts from around the world to exchange ideas on the security situation in Taiwan, which increasingly proves one of the most salient security issues in the Indo-Pacific region and a focal point in the strategic competition between the United States and China. As such, there is a need for a thorough discussion about China’s intentions, the capacity of the United States to prevent a war, and regional partners and allies’ handling of the Taiwan question.

The first panel gauges the likelihood of war, assess contingencies scenarios, and evaluate factors to prevent a conflict. In the second and third panels, the goal is to look at the best strategies for allies and partners to handle the Taiwan Question. Finally, the fourth panel concentrates on the lessons from the war in Ukraine for Taiwan, the allies’ assessment of the imminence of a conflict, and their potential reactions if war ever broke out in Taiwan. A fifth panel, dedicated to graduate students working on these issues, closes the conference.

The conference will be conducted in a hybrid format: participants will be in-person and the audience online. The event will be held in English, expect for the student panel, which will be held in French.

2 June 2022

9h15-9h30 Opening Remarks

9h30-11h30 – Is a Great Power War for Taiwan Inevitable?

Chair and Discussant: Andrea Lane (Defence Research and Development Canada)

  • James Lee (University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation)
  • Charles Parton (Council on Geostrategy)
  • Bonnie Glaser (German Marshall Fund of the United States)
  • Cleo Paskal (Foundation for Defense of Democracies)

11h30-13h00 – Lunch

13h00-15h00 – How Are Allies Handling the Taiwan Question?

Chair and Discussant: Justin Massie (UQAM) 

  • Steven Jackson (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
  • Hyon Joo Yoo (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
  • John Blaxland (Australian National University)

15h00-15h15 – Break

15h15-17h15 – How Are Partners Handling the Taiwan Question?

Chair and Discussant: Guy St-Jacques (Institut d’études international de Montréal) 

  • Derek Grossman (RAND Corporation)
  • Sana Hashmi (Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation)
  • Ting-Sheng Lin (UQAM)

17h15-17h30 – Closing Remarks

3 June 2022

9h15-9h30 – Opening Remarks

9h30-11h30 – What Lessons Are Allies Drawing From Ukraine for Taiwan? 

Chair and Discussant: Jonathan Paquin (Université Laval) 

11h30-13h00 Lunch

13h00-15h00 – Panel des chercheurs émergents

Présidence et commentaire : Justin Massie (UQAM) 

15h00-15h15 – Closing Remarks


Thursday, June 2 - Friday, June 3, 2022


09:15 - 15:15

Location Online Attendance Mode



Justin Massie

Justin Massie


Maxandre Fortier


Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces / Le Ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes