Isabella Aung

Isabella Aung is a doctoral candidate researching women’s political participation in the ongoing anti-military social media movement in Myanmar. She earned an honors degree in International Relations with a minor…

Nicolas-François Perron

Nicolas-François Perron is a doctoral student at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). He is interested in decision-making in the context of foreign and security policies. His research focuses…

Maxime Philaire

Maxime Philaire is a master's student in political science (with a thesis) at Laval University, after having obtained a Bachelor's degree in International Relations at ILERI Paris. In parallel to…

Amélie Chalivet

Amélie Chalivet (she/her) is a doctoral student in cotutelle at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas and at the University of Quebec in Montreal. She is starting her thesis on…

Tetede Babatunde François Akilatan

T. B. François Akilatan is a PhD student in International Studies at Laval University under the co-direction of Professors Anessa Kimball and Arthur Silve. He holds a Master's degree in…

Justine Mulin

Justine Mulin is currently a second year student in the International Security and Defense Master's program at the University Jean Moulin Lyon III. She holds a bi-disciplinary degree combining history…
Gianmarco Fontana

Gianmarco Fontana

Gianmarco is a PhD student in the Department of Political Science at Laval University. His research is supervised by Professor Francesco Cavatorta and co-supervised by Professor Jonathan Paquin. He holds…

David Dubé

David Dubé holds a Master's degree in political science from the Université du Québec à Montréal and is a researcher-in-residence at the Observatory of the United States of the Raoul-Dandurand…
Walkowski Jana

Jana Walkowski

Jana Walkowski (she/her) is a doctoral student in the department of Political Studies at Queen’s University working under the supervision of Dr. Susanne Soederberg. She holds a master’s degree in…

Marianne Grenier

Marianne Grenier is currently in her final year of her Master's degree in Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary. Her principal areas of research are cyber threats to critical…

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces / Le Ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes