Chantal Lavallée is Associate Professor of International Studies and Director of the Centre for Security and Crisis Governance (CRITIC) at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean in Canada. She was a senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute Olso (PRIO, 2021-24). She is co-researcher of the research project RegulAIR: The integration of drones in the Norwegian and European Airspaces, directed by Bruno Oliveira Martins at PRIO and funded by the Research Council of Norway (2021-2025). She is an associate researcher at the Institute for Strategic Research of the Paris-based École Militaire (IRSEM, Paris), the Jean Monnet Center Montreal and GRIP (Brussels). She holds a PhD in political science from UQAM. She was the recipient of an EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, 2017-2019). She also carried out postdoctoral research at the European University Institute in Florence (EUI, 2010-2012) with the support of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture, and at IRSEM with a grant from the French Ministry of Defence (2015-2016). Her research focuses on the contribution of the European Commission in the fields of security and defence, as well as emerging technologies, drones in particular.
- Emerging Security Technologies
- European Union
Selected Publications
- Chantal Lavallée, “The Single European Sky: a Window of Opportunity for EU-NATO Relations,” European Security 26:3 (2017) 415-434.
- Chantal Lavallée, “The EU’s dual-use exports: A human security approach?,” in Guns, engines and turbines. The EU’s hard power in Asia (European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2018): 43-50.
- Chantal Lavallée & Florent Pouponneau, “L’approche globale à la croisée des champs de la sécurité européenne,” Politique européenne 51:1 (2016) : 9-21.
- Chantal Lavallée, “La communautarisation de la recherche sur la sécurité : l’appropriation d’un nouveau domaine d’action au nom de l’approche globale,” Politique européenne 51:1 (2016) : 31-59.
- Antonio Calcara, Raluca Csernatoni & Chantal Lavallée (eds.), Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance. Actors, Practices and Processes (Routledge, 2020).
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